United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey
(As amended and voted upon July 15, 2023)
The name of this organization shall be United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey, AFT New Jersey, the New Jersey State Federation of Teachers, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, also referred to in this Constitution as "UAFNJ" or the "Local."
The purpose of this organization shall be to improve the terms and conditions of employment of those it represents; to advocate for fair pay, job security and academic freedom and intellectual property rights for all adjunct faculty throughout New Jersey; to advance education in a democracy and democracy in education; to promote the principle of unity and collective bargaining in higher education; and to defend the civil, professional, and human rights of those it represents.
Section 1. Classes of Membership.
There shall be the following classes of membership in United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey:
- Full Membership: (1) All employees for whom a chapter of the UAFNJ bargains collectively shall be eligible for full membership in UAFNJ when they are in the chapter’s Bargaining Unit.
(2) Individuals may continue to pay dues and retain full membership for two semesters immediately following active employment at their chapter’s institution. Chapters may extend the period of time that an inactive employee may retain chapter membership, per their chapter by-laws, provided that such by-laws shall not be inconsistent with any other membership provision in this constitution.
- At-large membership: (1) individuals whose full membership has ended due to separation from employment at their chapter’s institution shall be eligible for at-large membership. At-large members may not vote or hold office at the Chapter level but may do so at the Local-wide level.
(2) At-large membership shall terminate with: (a) re-employment in a UAFNJ bargaining unit; or (b) the passage of two years from the date of separation at their chapter’s institution.
c. Inactive Membership, subject to the terms of the AFT national constitution, shall be open to employees on unpaid leave, who choose to pay the minimal national per capita fees. Inactive members shall be eligible to participate in benefits programs offered by the Local or its affiliates, except where the conditions for offering such benefits do not permit such participation. Inactive members shall not count for delegate purposes, and shall not be entitled to vote or the right to hold office in the Local.
d. Retired membership shall be open to any person who has retired from active service while a member of United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey; Retired members may vote and hold office in the Retiree chapter.
e Honorary Membership, without vote or the right to hold office in the Local, may be granted to such persons as the Executive Board or the Delegate Assembly may determine, in recognition of the service or dedication of such persons to the purposes of this Local as specified in Article II of this Constitution.
Section 2. General Provisions.
- Membership status shall officially begin with the registration by the UAFNJ office, either through receipt of a payroll deduction authorization card or membership application accompanied by a dues payment.
- Membership in good standing shall be maintained through the uninterrupted payment of dues. Membership shall terminate if dues are not paid within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the beginning of the semester. If membership is terminated because of the failure to make timely payment of dues, a member may be reinstated upon approval of the application by the Executive Board.
- All Bargaining Unit members
- An individual must be a Chapter or At-large member in good standing for at least two (2) continuous semesters to be nominated for, elected to, or hold office in United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey.
Section 3. Dues.
Annual dues of UAFNJ shall be assessed as follows:
- Full membership: two percent of salary, which shall include the prevailing per capita amounts for the AFT, State Federation, and AFL-CIO, state affiliates, insurance premiums and base dues to the Local (AFTNJ). Whenever the dues of a required affiliate increases, the dues of the local shall automatically cover the increased amount.
- At-large members: dues shall be set as the equivalent of AFT national and state per capita plus base dues to the Local; the dollar amount of said dues shall be proposed by the Executive Board and voted upon by the Delegate Assembly at its annual meeting.
- Retired members: the Local shall charge no dues but may solicit voluntary financial contributions equivalent to Associate member dues.
- Honorary members: no dues.
Section 1. Officer Positions.
The officers of this Local shall be a President, an Executive Vice-President, a Secretary - Treasurer and one Vice President per chapter. These Vice-Presidents shall be the Chairs (Presidents) of the constituent chapters.
Section 2. General Responsibilities of Officers.
The officers shall meet regularly and carry out the policy of the organization; shall coordinate the activity of the organization's committees; shall report to the Executive Board and the Delegate Assembly on the transactions, activities, and accomplishments of the Local, as appropriate; and shall serve as ranking delegates to the meetings of affiliate bodies by virtue of their office.
Section 3. Duties of the President.
The President shall:
- be the presiding officer at all meetings of the membership, the Executive Board and the Delegate Assembly.
- shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees except the Elections Committee.
- shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, the chairs of all standing and special committees except the Elections Committee.
- shall be the principal executive officer of the organization.
- shall receive reports and respond to correspondence of the organization.
- shall supervise all employees of the organization.
- shall be one of the responsible financial officers of the organization and shall be authorized to co-sign financial instruments and make regular and usual disbursements of funds.
- shall represent the organization before the bodies of the employer, executive and legislative officials.
- shall represent the organization before the public, community organizations, and the news media.
- shall be, by office, a delegate to the Central Labor Council, and the state AFL-CIO body;
- shall be, by office, a delegate to the convention of the American Federation of Teachers and meetings or conventions of its affiliated bodies.
- shall make an annual report to the organization's membership; and
- shall be able to delegate the responsibilities of the office except where otherwise specified by the Constitution.
- shall appoint a Recording Secretary
- If the elected officers of UAFNJ are Chairs (Presidents) of a Chapter, the President, after consultation with the Officers, shall appoint one member of the Chapter Board from each of the chapters represented by these Officers to serve as voting members of the Executive Board.
Section 4. Duties of the Executive Vice President.
The Executive Vice President shall:
- assume the duties of the President in the event of the absence, illness, or death of the President.
- shall oversee the work of and receive regular reports from the Organizing and Leadership Development Committees.
- shall perform other duties as delegated by the President or assigned by the Executive Board; and
- shall co-sign financial instruments in the absence of the President or Treasurer.
Section 5. Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer.
- maintain all financial and non-financial files and records of the organization.
- be the custodian of the seal and charter of the organization.
- shall retain accurate minutes of meetings of the membership, the Executive Board and the Delegate Assembly.
- receive record and deposit all dues monies and other income in the name of the organization.
- maintain accurate membership records, issue membership cards and notices of delinquency.
- be one of the responsible financial officers of the organization and be authorized to co-sign financial instruments and make regular and usual disbursements of funds.
- arrange for an independent audit of the finances of the organization annually and make same available to the Executive Board, Delegate Assembly, and membership.
- transmit per-capita payments on a regular basis to the Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Teachers and similar officers of all other bodies with which the organization is affiliated.
- oversee the work of and receive reports from the Finance Committee
- receive and certify the reports of the Elections Committee.
- perform other duties as delegated by the President or assigned by the Executive Board; and
- perform duties of the office as required by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, and the financial guidelines developed by the AFT.
Section 6. Duties of the Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall
- record and keep accurate minutes of meetings of the membership, the Executive Board and the Delegate Assembly.
- assist the President in handling the correspondence of the organization.
- be entitled to a vote on the Executive Board providing that the Recording Secretary is a chapter chair (chapter president) or delegate representing the one of the three elected officers.
Section 7. Duties of the Vice-Presidents to the Local, each representing a Chapter.
The Vice-Presidents for Chapter shall:
- The Vice-Presidents to the Local shall be made up of the Chairs (Presidents) of each of the member locals that comprise UAFNJ.
b. present issues and concerns affecting their chapters and membership to the
UAFNJ Executive Board for appropriate action.
c. coordinate chapter and local activities, including legislative, community and organizing campaigns.
d. request support from the UAFNJ Executive Board, when required, for chapter activities, campaigns, and issues.
Section 1. Composition.
- There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, UAFNJ Vice-Presidents consisting of the presidents (chairs) of the various chapters, and a member to represent each of the chapters of the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Executive Vice-President in those cases when the officers are Chapter Chairs (Chapter Presidents)
- A quorum of the Executive Board shall be a majority of its members.
Section 2. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of the Executive Board.
The Board shall:
- Adopt an agenda for each Board meeting.
- Meet at least three times during the academic year and additionally as requested by the President or at the petition of one-third of the members of the Executive Board.
- Determine the time and place of the meetings of the Delegate Assembly.
- Recommend an Order of Business and Rules of Procedure to the Delegate Assembly.
- Direct the organizing program of the Local.
- Interpret and apply the UAFNJ Constitution and adopt internal administrative guidelines and policies. The Executive Board has the final authority to issue a decision where there are questions concerning a conflict between a Chapter by-law and this Constitution.
- Decide issues related to the creation and jurisdiction of UAFNJ Chapters.
- Execute written agreements for newly organized chapters on behalf of the Local.
- Employ staff and define their duties to accomplish the purposes of this organization.
- Implement policies established by the Delegate Assembly.
- Submit an annual budget to the Delegate Assembly and provide such financial statements as are appropriate.
- Act on extraordinary expenditures which may require modification of the budget, subject to the review of the Delegate Assembly.
- Approve appointments to committees, upon recommendation of the President.
- Fill officer vacancies on an acting basis until an election for the remainder of the term at the next regular Delegate Assembly, except in the case of Chapter Chairpersons where chapter by-laws shall apply.
- Adopt Rules of Procedure for its own operation.
- Recommend policy to the Delegate Assembly.
- By a three-fifths vote, initiate referenda and establish the procedures for the conduct thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Article IX, Referenda, of this Constitution.
- Act on behalf of the Delegate Assembly in matters necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Local.
Section 1. Composition.
The Delegate Assembly shall consist of members of the Executive Board, Chairpersons of the Standing Committees, delegates from the Chapters of the organization in a ratio of one delegate per 100 members (or fraction thereof), one At-large delegate and one delegate elected by and from the Retired Membership of the organization.
- Delegates from the Chapters of the organization and members of the Executive Board shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Nomination and Election Procedures, of this Constitution, and Chairpersons of Committees shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 2(k) of this Constitution.
- Each member of the Delegate Assembly shall be entitled to one vote; there shall be no proxy votes.
- A quorum for the Delegate Assembly shall be a majority of its members representing at least one-half of the duly recognized Chapters.
Section 2. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of the Delegate Assembly.
- The Delegate Assembly shall be the legislative and policy-forming body of this Local. Except for matters decided by referendum, final authority in this Local shall rest in the Delegate Assembly, and, in the case of matters decided by referendum, the Delegate Assembly may not take up such matter at a Delegate Assembly until the second regular meeting succeeding the referendum.
- The Delegate Assembly shall also:
- Act on the seating of the delegates.
- Adopt an Order of Business, Rules of Procedure, and establish internal committees for its operation.
- Propose programs for legislative action.
- Adopt amendments to this Constitution, in accordance with the procedures contained in Article XIII of this Constitution.
- Establish policies for the organization.
- By a three-fifths vote, initiate referenda and establish the procedures for the conduct thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Article IX of this Constitution.
- Meet in special assembly by majority vote of the Executive Board, by petition of at least one half of the chapters or by petition of at least ten percent of the membership, drawn from at least twenty percent of the Chapters; such special assembly must be called by the President within sixty days after the filing of a legitimate petition.
- Convene for a Delegate Assembly, which shall be held annually. In election years, the Spring Assembly shall serve as the nominating meeting for the election of officers. The Delegate Assembly may be held in person or virtually.
- Adopt an annual budget.
Section 1. Composition.
Chapters shall be composed of a bargaining unit of adjunct faculty members at higher education institutions that have been approved by the UAFNJ Executive Board.
Section 2. Structure of the Chapters.
- Chapters shall develop their own by-laws that do not conflict with any provision of this Constitution. The by-laws of each chapter shall state that the chapter is affiliated with UAFNJ, the New Jersey State Federation of Teachers and AFT. A copy of such by-Laws shall be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of UAFNJ, and any amendments shall be reported to the Secretary-Treasurer upon adoption.
- Each Chapter shall elect, by secret ballot election, a Chairperson (aka Chapter President), a Secretary, a Treasurer (or a Secretary-Treasurer), representative to the UAFNJ Executive Board (per Article V, Section 1) and such other officers as shall be specified in the Chapter by-laws.
- Vacant positions in a Chapter shall be filled by appointment by the Chapter’s governing body.
- In addition to their Chapter responsibilities, the officers of each Chapter shall be responsible for effective communication between the Chapter and the Local, including the Executive Board, Delegate Assembly, and committees. Chapter officers shall perform such activities as may be required to accomplish the goals of the Local.
- Each Chapter shall submit quarterly financial information to the Local’s accountant and respond to the Local’s auditor with any required information.
Section 3. Authority of the Chapters.
- Chapters will maintain local autonomy in dealing with their members and the college in which they are employed.
- Chapters retain all funds collected prior to the formation of UAFNJ.
- Chapters shall have control over funds after the payment of AFT and AFT NJ State Federation per capita and base local dues.
- Chapters shall pass a set of by-laws specifying rules for elections of Chapter officers, requirements and guidelines for Chapter membership, form and frequency of Chapter meetings and communications.
- Chapters shall designate the lead negotiator and develop the proposals for chapter contract negotiations.
- Chapters will be responsible for authorizing grievances to advance to arbitration or referring grievances to the UAFNJ Grievance Committee, which shall determine whether to pursue such grievances. Each chapter shall name a representative to the UAFNJ Grievance Committee.
Section 1. Chapter Elections - Officers and Delegates.
Elections for officers and delegates for each chapter shall be conducted by secret ballot election and in accordance with the chapter by-laws. Online voting will be allowed in all cases as long as state and federal election laws are abided by.
- Chapters may choose to conduct their own Chapter elections or request the UAFNJ Elections and Credentials Committee to conduct their Chapter elections for them.
- Members in good standing of each Chapter must be given suitable opportunity to nominate candidates for officers and delegates (and/or alternates), provided, however, that any candidate must be a member in good standing for the six-month period prior to the date that nominations are due.
- Each Chapter will solicit members in good standing who are interested in being a delegate or alternate to the UAFNJ Delegate Assembly. Selection of these delegates or alternates will be made from among those who are interested, willing, and able to serve.
- Notice of the election, the offices to be filled, the right to make nomination, and the time, place, and proper form for the submission of nominations will be sent to each member at his or her last known home address, or via non-school email addresses (if available). In cases where all adjuncts at a given institution have email accounts, this notice may be sent by email, if the Institution allows mass mailings to adjunct faculty. In addition, the nomination and election notice may be publicized in Chapter and Local publications and by other means.
- In cases where there is a contested election (more than one person vying for a position) the election ballot shall be mailed to each adjunct at their last known place of residence and marked ballots shall be returned by mail to the Election Committee.
- Every candidate is permitted to have an observer at the polls (if applicable) and at the counting of ballots.
- The results of the chapter election must be published to the chapter membership and the UAFNJ Chapter Election Report shall be filed with the UAFNJ Secretary-Treasurer within two weeks following the date of the election. This report shall constitute the official delegate/alternate list for the term.
- Chapter election records, including eligible member list, cast ballots, spoiled ballots and the tally sheet, must be preserved for a period of one year.
- Terms of office for Chapter delegates shall not exceed three years.
- Local funds may not be used to promote the candidacy of any individual or group.
Section 2. Election of UAFNJ Officers and Delegates to AFT and affiliate conventions.
- General
- Elections for officers and delegates to conventions of AFTNJ and AFT shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the AFT Constitution and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act. Online voting will be allowed in all cases as long as state and federal election laws are abided by.
- Elections for officers and for delegates to AFT and affiliate conventions shall be conducted whenever chapters hold elections for officers, but at least every three years. Should elected delegates be unable to serve, the chapter chair may appoint replacement delegates to serve until the next election.
- The election of officers shall be conducted by mail ballot election, or virtually, and shall commence no later than May 1st and ballots shall be counted no later than May 31st.
- Nominations for officers and delegates shall be submitted to the Delegate Assembly at the Spring meeting in an election year. Nominations may be submitted by delegates or any member on a form provided by the Election Committee. Term of office is three years beginning on July 1 after the election and ending three years later on June 30 in the year of the election of officers.
b. Nominations
- Members in good standing from all chapters must be given suitable opportunity to nominate candidates for UAFNJ office and delegates to conventions of AFTNJ and AFT.
- To be nominated for office, an individual must be a full member in good standing for at least six months preceding the final date for submitting nominations.
- A member in good standing may be nominated for office by written petition of twenty-five (25) members in good standing accompanied by the signature of the person nominated indicating his or her willingness to stand for election.
c. Duties of the Election Committee
- The Executive Board shall appoint an Elections Committee consisting of three (3) members from among the membership of the organization. If any member of the Elections Committee shall be nominated for UAFNJ office, that member shall be replaced by the President’s designee.
- The Election Committee will be responsible for setting election timelines and procedures, determining eligibility for office, eligibility to vote, standards for election conduct, and procedures for mailing of campaign material.
- The Election Committee will select a chairperson who is authorized to communicate the official policies of the Committee and who is the person to whom all inquiries or complaints about election conduct should be directed. Members are encouraged to bring their concerns to the Committee as they occur so that any problems may be remedied prior to the election.
- The Election Committee is empowered to investigate and resolve any issues related to the election of officers.
- Questions and complaints about election procedures or candidate conduct should be presented to the Election Committee chair, who may issue clarifications, directives and instructions to the candidates or the membership.
- Challenges and objections to the elections must be submitted in writing, with a statement of supporting reasons and facts, to the Elections Committee within five (5) days of the count. The Elections Committee shall issue its written opinion regarding the objections no later than ten (10) days after receipt of such objections.
d. Election Procedure
- The Election Committee, or an independent election agency selected by the Election Committee, shall conduct the UAFNJ election in compliance with the Department of Labor (DOL) guidance, including sending the election notice, notice of nominations, sending ballots, collecting ballots, and counting ballots. This process may be done virtually as long as DOL guidance is followed.
- The election committee shall send a notice and schedule of nominations and elections to the last known home mailing address, or email address, of each member in good standing.
- Upon the completion of nominations, the election committee shall send a secret ballot to the last known home or email address of each member in good standing.
- Completed ballots shall be due at the address designated on the return address no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the initial mailing of the ballots in order to be counted.
- The election committee shall conduct the vote count and notify the candidates and the membership of the results.
- In cases where there are more than two candidates and no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, a run-off shall be held; the name of the candidate who received the smallest number of votes shall be dropped; Should no candidate receive a majority of the votes cast in the run-off, additional run-offs shall be held with the name of the candidate who received the smallest number of votes being dropped; After the second runoff ballot, if a majority has not been achieved by one of the candidates, a meeting of the Delegate Assembly shall be called and, assuming a quorum, the members of the Delegate Assembly present and voting shall cast a final ballot after the lowest vote-getter is dropped from the ballot. The members of the Delegate Assembly shall continue to cast votes, after dropping the lowest vote-getter from the previous ballot until one candidate has a clear majority. The decision of the Delegate Assembly shall be final. The votes of the delegate assembly members may be solicited by email. If a face-to-face meeting cannot be arranged.
Section 1. Authority.
The highest level of policy making in this organization shall be through referendum of the entire membership. Positions or policies established by referendum shall not be subject to reversal or modification by a governing body or by subsequent referendum until the second regular meeting of the Delegate Assembly subsequent to the referendum.
Section 2. Initiation and Procedures.
- A referendum may be initiated by order of a three-fifths vote of the Delegate Assembly; by order of a three-fifths vote of the Executive Board; by petition of at least ten percent of full members, drawn from at least twenty percent of the Chapters.
- The referendum procedure shall be established by the Delegate Assembly or by rules adopted by the Executive Board.
Section 3. Exclusions.
Matters not subject to referendum are:
- Employment, assignment, promotion, discharge, or compensation of this organization's staff.
- Powers specifically assigned to other bodies by this Constitution,
- Amendment and/or interpretation of this Constitution.
Section 1. Committees.
The Committees of this organization shall be:
- Organizing Committee
- Committee on Political Education (COPE)
- Grievance Committee
- Finance Committee
- Elections and Credentials Committee
- Contract Development Committee
- Communications Committee
- Constitution and By-Laws Committee
- The Organizing Committee shall have responsibility for internal membership recruitment and the organization of new chapters; shall recruit, train and direct member activists in the pursuit of new members and new chapters; shall recommend to the President member activists for financial stipends for organizing work when available; shall research unorganized schools for organizing targets; shall make regular reports to the Executive Board.
- The Committee on Political Education (COPE) shall secure voluntary contributions to support the political work of the organization; screen and recommend endorsement of candidates for local, state and federal office to the Delegate Assembly; educate members on the issues of importance to the organization, its membership and clients; and develop programs to promote voter registration and to support the election of candidates who support the interests of the organization, its membership and the people they serve.
- The Grievance Committee shall work with the officers in the resolution of contractual and non-contractual disputes in the workplace; shall maintain records of grievances and their disposition; and shall be responsible for the processing of grievances and disputes beyond the immediate work location. The grievant may appeal these last decisions to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall develop and adopt a policy that governs how it shall approach grievances not referred to arbitration, as well as other litigation and/or administrative appeals. The Grievance Committee shall follow this policy.
- The Finance Committee shall be responsible for drawing up and recommending the proposed budget; shall review expenditures and the activities of the Secretary-Treasurer (who shall serve as ex-officio member of the committee) on a regular basis, and shall report to the President, the Executive Board, and the Delegate Assembly.
- The Election Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of all elections delegated to it; Investigate complaints concerning chapter elections and order that new elections be held or that other appropriate actions be taken; shall certify the credentials of the representatives to the Delegate Assembly, to which it shall report and make recommendations on seating of delegates and/or alternates, and shall serve in such other functions as may be assigned to it by appropriate bodies.
- The Contract Development Committee shall conduct research, surveys, hearings and other activities that assist the organization in its collective bargaining, or similar, programs.
- The Communications Committee The Communications Committee shall design, produce and distribute regular communications to the membership and other printed material for the organization as necessary; and shall present the views of the organization on both a regular and special basis to the print and electronic media, other labor and community organizations and the general public.
- The Constitution and By-laws Committee shall periodically review the Constitution of the Local and the By-laws of the Chapters and shall advise the Board on additions, deletions, corrections and other recommended changes.
Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees.
The President shall appoint such ad hoc committees as may be necessary, subject to approval of the Executive Board, such committees to be dismissed upon completion of their appointed charges.
Section 3. Terms of Office.
- The terms of office for chairpersons and members of Standing Committees shall normally be for three years, commencing at the first Executive Board meeting after the Spring Delegate
- The terms of office for chairpersons and members of ad hoc committees shall commence at the time of appointment and shall expire no later than the time of completion of their appointed charges.
Section 1. Parliamentary Authority.
The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of meetings and the transactions of this organization in all matters not specifically provided for in the Constitution or in special rules of procedure.
Section 2. Parliamentarian.
The President shall appoint a parliamentarian to assist him or her in the conduct of meetings; the parliamentarian shall not be a member of the Executive Board.
United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey shall remain affiliated with AFT New Jersey, and the American Federation of Teachers and its affiliated bodies until a referendum of membership shall determine otherwise. The organization shall be represented at the conventions of affiliates in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Section 5, of this Constitution.
Section 1. Initiation.
Amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by a Chapter, the Executive Board, the Delegate Assembly or a petition of the membership representing 1/10th of the combined Chapter and Special Membership of the Local.
Section 2. Procedure.
Publication and notice shall be necessary before a proposed amendment may be considered for adoption by the Delegate Assembly. A proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer at least thirty days prior to the Delegate Assembly at which it is to be considered. A proposed amendment shall be submitted to delegates of record at least seven days prior to such Delegate Assembly. Copies of a proposed amendment shall also be included in the agenda sent to delegates of record prior to the Delegate Assembly at which it is to be considered.
Section 3. Adoption.
Adoption of amendments shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Delegate Assembly present and voting.
Should any clause, section, or article of this Constitution be deemed illegal or invalid by a competent legal authority, the remaining articles, sections, and provisions of the Constitution shall remain in full force and effect.
Three copies of this Constitution and all subsequent amendments shall be submitted to the office of the Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Teachers. One copy shall be sent to the similar officer of each organization with which this organization is affiliated. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Local shall make available upon request a copy to any member of the organization.
This constitution was adopted by the membership on ____July 15_________, 2023____;
______________________________ _____William J. Lipkin___________________
United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey President
____Nancy Merrill____________________